So I'm starting off this weeks post with more hair pictures. I guess that has become our pre-clinic routine. :) I love how he is giving us the 'I am strong and I will fight' face. I love this boy, he totally brightens my life. Yes, it's thinner still but the doctor thinks he'll hold on to it till Spring. So hey, that's a plus, his head won't be so cold, right?
With everything considered, we made pretty good time and only ended up being about 15 minutes late for our clinic appointment. Today was an easier appointment; if you could call any of this easy :) He didn't have any IV chemo today. They just did the routine bloodwork. Which he still isn't thrilled about them accessing his port in his chest. I can't really blame him though, I wouldn't be happy with a needle coming at my chest either. But with time it will become something that he will hardly notice. The nurses up there are really great and try to do everything possible to make this an easy process.
The doctor even told us today that at a certain point in treatment Mike and I will be giving him some chemo at home through his port...US! WHAT?!! I'm sure I'll handle it and get through it fine, but it makes me all kinds of nervous just thinking about it. Good thing it's a few months away.
His labwork came back good. His ANC is nice and high and they like to see that. I think it was about 6000 or something, which is really high. But it's good, so he can have a better chance of fighting off infection, if he got one. His numbers will go up and down all throughout treatment so we just have to keep an eye on them. That's one of the things they look at when they do his bloodwork.
Ring this Bell
Three Times Real Well
It's Toll to Clearly Say
My Treatments Done
This Course is Run
Now I am on my Way!