O.K. so I'll admit that I haven't been the best at keeping up on this blog. But now that we have our laptop fixed once again, I'm here to catch things up.
We found out after Caleb's last bone marrow biopsy on January 7, that.....he is in remission! HOORAY! I wish more than anything that I could say that we could be done with treatment. The honest reality is that he still has the 3 1/2 years of treatment to still go through. But we are so happy, as well as his doctors that he responding well. People have asked me why can't he just be done if he is in remission. The best answer I can give is that he still has Leukemia cells in his body somewhere whether we like it or not. That's just how Leukemia is, and we want to make sure ALL of them are gone for good! It also gives his body a chance to learn how to deal with all that's happening.
So the week after his bone marrow biopsy was spent off all of his medications and no chemo treatments. That way his body could build itself back up so they could start the next round of chemo. Well, when HomeHealth came out to draw his bloodwork, they found out that his numbers were too low. They like to see his ANC, or the cells that can fight infections at 750 or higher. His were only 650 or something if I remember correctly. Sooooo we had another week of no treatments or chemo. He is starting to act like my little guy before all of this happened. We even let him go outside today for just a few minutes since he hadn't in over a month and a half. I hate to think of how he was just that short time ago. He was so sick and just laying on the couch. But to see this cute face it just breaks my heart to know he still has to go through it. But we will do whatever it takes to get him healthy again!

This picture is after the nurse came and got his port hooked up today. He still really hates to have it done but after...well that's a different story. He likes to show off his cool tubes to everyone. And I still say he is the strongest boy ever. :) They just called me tonight with the results and his ANC is 1000. So we are good to go to Primarys tomorrow to start his next round of chemo. This next phase is called Consolidation and it goes for 4 weeks. He will get his regular chemo and a new med to take at home. The hardest part will be lumber punctures that he will have for the next 3 weeks. They do that so they can get the chemo into his spinal canal and up to his brain to get any cells that might be hiding there. I know it really sounds awful but, he has had 2 of them done before and he seems to get through it alright. It's just the waiting part that is hard on Mom because they have to knock him out to do it.
I have discovered lately that I take quite a few pictures of Caleb's hair. I guess I'm just holding on to what I can. You can't really tell in this one, but it is getting thinner. Perhaps only a mother would know the difference. But I think he is so darn cute he will still be a cutie either way! I have had some very low moments the past few weeks as well as wonderfully high ones as well. Some thanks in part to good friends who listened to the spirit and reached out when I really needed it. This is a journey I never thought I could take, yet here I am. I am amazed daily at Caleb's strength and positive attitude. He is the one that reminds me to just be calm. He has always been our little peacemaker. I am so grateful for this awesome little boy! I hope all goes well tomorrow. Because the sooner we get there the sooner these 3 years will be done! :)
Good luck tomorrow!