So we started off this last week with high hopes of being able to relax a bit and regroup before Caleb starts his next round of chemo. Well, as things would happen that was the furthest thing from the truth. On Saturday the 10th, Caleb spiked a fever of almost 103. So I called Primary's and they said to take him in to UVRMC. As a Mother who has a child with cancer I've learned to dread "the fever" because it could mean an infection or hospital stay. But off we went in the snow and cold to the ER to get him checked out. Several hours later and after lab tests and antibiotics were given we finally made it home. We spent all of Sunday resting and keeping a watchful eye on Caleb. Earlier in the week Andy had caught a bug and been sick. He gave it to Lexi and they had both been trying to recover. Even with all my hand washing and sanitizing and mask wearing we still managed to pass this dang bug around. Caleb spiked a fever again on Monday of about 103. Since it was during the day I called Primary's and they asked if we had been given a prescription for Tamiflu when we were at UVRMC.

I was shocked actually, because we hadn't been given anything when we were there on Sunday. The nurse then proceeds to tell me that Caleb had tested positive for Influenza B and he should be given Tamiflu right away. O.K. Grrrrr! So instead of going back to Provo I made the trip myself with Caleb up to Primary's to get him looked at and given medicine. I'm so glad we caught it early enough so that he could get the medicine and not be as sick as his brother and sister were. I was dreading adding another med to the things that he was already taking. Although, he has made a step forward in that regard. He can take the medicine himself now. He does it when he is ready, which has been nice for all of us. My sister in law suggested getting a bucket with some little dollar store items in it. When he takes his medicine at night he gets to pick something out of the bucket. We still have a little struggle but for the most part this has made our medicine routine SO much better, that and I sing to him while he takes it. With Caleb now sick and needing another medicine and Sydni needing the Tamiflu as well my white board in my kitchen has gotten quite busy! It's the only way I can keep track of all the medicines and when they need to be given and when they were given..blah...blah..blah.

So our nighttime medicine is his 6MP or Mercaptopurine. It is one that they say you shouldn't handle alot. So this is my setup when I have to get it ready for him at night. Since he isn't swallowing pills yet (I hope he will soon!) I have to crush the pill up into a fine powder and then put into something he likes. The bottle is blue raspberry syrup. Yes, like snowcone syrup! It has been a life saver for us. We buy it at the pharmacy when we are at Primary's. They have like 8 other flavors so we can change if he wants to try something new. Why the whisk you ask? Well, it has a nice flat bottom that can really smash the pills well and I only use it for Calebs meds. We tried the pill crushers at the store and they just never got things fine enough and Caleb could taste the little pieces. I know this looks strange, but I'm kinda proud of myself that I found a way to make this work for us. *Pat on the back* :)
Once the Tamiflu started kicking in Caleb has been feeling better. No more fevers of 103, thank goodness! Watching his favorite shows and playing video games with Andy is what he really likes to do lately. He is such a sweet little guy. He is always telling me how much he loves me and then he comes in for a big hug. I always hold on a little tighter it seems. Trying to keep him my sweet little Caleb forever.
(-Cut to Caleb walking in the room right now while I'm typing saying that he's being mad and putting himself in timeout! LOL! Hahahahaha!)
I love him! He cracks me up!

Tomorrow the home health nurse will come out to access his port and draw blood for his CBC; to see if his numbers are high enough to start his next round of chemo. The next round will last 8 weeks and we will go in every 10 days instead of every 7. They call this round Interim Maintenance. So every 9th day the nurse will come out to take blood to see if he can have chemo the next day. I hope that makes sense! :) This round of chemo is more dependent on his blood numbers. If he's too low we won't go in that day or he won't get as much chemo that particular day. The doctor assures me that this round isn't very diffucult, so he should do well. I hope she is right. One good thing is that he will only have oral medicine two days a week! Hooray! I'm hoping that during these 8 weeks we can teach him how to swallow pills without all the pressure of -"you have to take this right now!"

We have some awesome things coming up in the next few days for Caleb and our fundraising for him. We will be out at UVU for two different days coming up. One is for a Leukemia screening that the lovehopestrength foundation is putting on. I will be sure to post on Facebook or here on the blog all the updates and I'll be sure to take pictures. It's exciting to have these opportunities for my boy. Also to help raise awareness of childhood cancer. No little one should have to go through this or worry, "I'm going to be fine Mom?" Yes, my Caleb says that and it breaks my heart everytime. He should be like he is in this picture and playing ninja turtles-(Thanks Schmidts for that, he loves it) Before I end this post I just wanted to add that we have added a Donate button on the blog if you feel so inclined to help Caleb with this fight. Because of the weekend and today is a holiday it isn't up and running yet but will be in a day or two. I'll be sure to post when it is available to use. I also added two videos that a friend made for us. To help us stay strong and have courage. Thank you to all of those that have helped us thus far. We know that this is long road and we are so thankful that we have so many people with us on this journey to see it out until the end and Caleb is cured and healthy again! We love you and appreciate you all! One last thing I wanted to add, I love this....(keep scrolling)
This last picture is something that hangs in the clinic at Primary's. It is kind of small so we never really noticed it before. A couple of weeks ago we had a long wait to be taken back to a room and this cute little thing caught my eye, so I snapped a picture. This is how childhood should be. Hug your little ones tight because time goes by way too fast. Go make some amazing memories!
Love you guys! Keep on swimming :)