This handsome face says it all. He is such a happy and courageous boy. He started his next round of chemo this last week. It's called Interm Maintenance and it will last for 8 weeks. When we got to clinic they started off by giving him the Vincristine. He has had that many times before and he tolerates it well. I love that in the picture he isn't even paying attention to the nurse giving it to him. Hopefully we're headed in the direction of less trauma and stress when we go to
The next chemo he received was Methotrexate. He has had this given in the spine before but this was the first time he has had it by IV. They put it in this little gadget that administers the medicine over a certain period of time. It is usually 10 to 15 minutes. They gave him a good dose of anti nausea medicine with it just in case. I sat and watched him so carefully, but he did great. Every time we go back for clinic they will up his dose a little more each time. Depending on how his body is handling it and how his blood counts come back.
I love how he sits with his Dad and plays his games while all this is going on. I feel very grateful is able to be there at the appointments with us. He is a very big comfort to Caleb and this is how they are every time. I get to sit in the chair across the room. I don't mind it, I like to see the two of them together...Father and Son. Like I said before, he has done pretty well this week. He hasn't had any meds to take at home except his standard Monday and Tuesday doses of Septra. Which is something he will have for years. But no nightime med drama. Whew! I have really liked that and so has Caleb.
There was actually a moment during this week that as I was sitting here watching Caleb play with his siblings I actually forgot. Is that possible?! I turned to Mike and said, "I actually forgot for a moment that he has Leukemia." I guess it can be a good thing. He is still our little boy and little/big brother to his siblings. This time won't last forever and we can make it through this. He is a fighter and is doing so well. We love our Caleb and can't wait for the day when he is healthy again! XOXOXOXO
Keeping you in our constant prayers, Sarah. We miss seeing you guys and the kids. Looking forward to the day when we all be together again.